CBYX is a intercultural exchange program funded by the American Congress and German Bundestag (their parliament). The goal is to make the important relationship between the German and American people tighter by exchanging hundreds of participants each year, who then act as "citizen ambassadors" and get engaged in their new country. The best part for us participants is that nearly everything is paid for: the flights, living with a host family, public transportation, discounts on trains within Germany - this has allowed people of all walks of life with wildly different careers take part in this special year-long experience. For some, it is their first trip abroad; for others like me, it is our first time living abroad and thereby getting firsthand experience in a new culture.
The program is now in its 31st year. In addition to the approximately 700 high school participants, there are 75 German "young professionals" in the U.S and 75 American "young professionals" (including me, of course) here in Germany. You can click the "About CBYX" tab in the ribbon at the top of every webpage on this blog to read more about the details of the program.
The problem: the U.S. State Department's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, which is responsible for our program, received a big budget cut. More specifically, HALF of our program's budget is gone, starting next year. That means half as many participants as this year will be able to have this amazing learning experience! Thankfully, the Germans have miraculously come to the rescue and agreed to make up the funds for next year. But for the year after that, the program will really be in serious trouble if the budget is not restored.
Please help us save our program and thereby strengthen relations with one of our strongest, closest, and most important allies. We have a website up where you can simply sign our petition: http://savecbyx.org/
Thank you!