
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Spandau Weinachtsmarkt

Happy Holidays! This festive time of year means, above all, one very important thing here in Germany. CHRISTMAS MARKETS! Germany's famous Weinachtsmärkte are a sight to behold, offering everything from traditional German food to warm wool caps to candle holders to wooden Christmas ornaments. The variety of goods available at every market is quite astounding. And there is a huge variety of the markets themselves as well - in Berlin alone there are dozens of these festive places of holiday-related commerce sprinkled throughout the city. 

I got an early start and went to my first German Christmas market on November 30. It was located in Spandau and has turned out to be my favorite market in Berlin.

Shoppers making their way to the market

It's a bit blurry, but that's what happens sometimes when you have to ask a stranger to take your picture

Warmth! It was freezing that night, with the wind chill at about 18 degrees (Fahrenheit)

With some Belgian, Greek, and French friends

A typical stall, with many interesting and colorful wares for sale

One part of the Christmas market was Middle Ages-themed. These guys were energetically playing old bagpipe-type instruments to an enthralled crowd. This must have been what rock concerts in the Middle Ages were like

Glühwein, or mullled wine, is an indispensable part of every trip to a Christmas market.  The piping hot mixture of red wine and mulling spices warms you right up and perfectly complements the winter-y atmosphere 

That's it! I just wanted to get a quick set of pictures of a German Christmas market up before Christmas actually hits. But have no fear, you will be reliving Christmas for a number of weeks after December 25 as I post more pictures of more holiday markets in Berlin, Dresden, and Prague. But for now, Merry Christmas!

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