It was early May, and I was ready to escape Berlin and take another ridiculously long and cheap bus ride in the dead of night (departure was 2 a.m.) to another new and exciting city... this time, my destination was Budapest, Hungary! I went not only since everyone who goes comes back with good reviews, but also because I was able to meet up with my USC friend Catherine, who was studying abroad there, each night to enjoy the nightlife.
I had my trusty Rick Steves guidebook, of course. From Rick, I learned everything important there is to know about Hungary and its capital city on the Danube. This very unique nation is populated almost completely by Magyars, who came over from central Asia and settled down here over thousand years ago. Their golden age came in the late 1800s, when Hungary and Austria ruled together over the massive, powerful Austro-Hungarian empire. Then came a major defeat with World War I, and Hungary lost half of its population and two thirds of its territory. But, despite the destruction of WWII and the cruel reign of the Soviets that lasted until 1989, the capital city is still full of impressive and ornate buildings built during the late 19th century, when Hungary was at its zenith of power, size, and influence. The city is like a giant, grand exercise in nostalgia.
The Magyars (Hungarians) are also unique because they speak one of the toughest languages out there. Its difficulty is compounded by the fact that it has no close linguistic relatives today! Needless to say, I did not pick up much Hungarian.
Anyway, enough of that. On to the photos!
I started out on the west side of the river, the Buda side. This photo was taken from the Pest side of the river looking towards the Royal Palace on the Buda side, where I planned to spend the afternoon. In case it's not immediately clear to you, Buda + Pest = Budapest |
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